A review by bethreadsandnaps
Left on Tenth: A Second Chance at Life: A Memoir by Delia Ephron


Ephron dealt with the death of her beloved husband Jerry, and then she (quickly) meets a new man Peter, who she had once dated when she was young. Unfortunately, her famous sister Nora's leukemia has a genetic link, and soon Ephron herself is diagnosed with a (different form of) leukemia. Peter stands by her side and marries her while she's starting treatment. She thinks things are back on track, and then she is out of remission and has to decide whether to do a bone marrow transplant.

What Ephron went through is full of ups and downs and I appreciated hearing her story, but there is a tone throughout the memoir that I didn't really like. For instance, some people wanted to speak at Jerry's funeral, and she said no to them. She wants a private room while she's in the hospital. She seems like she lives in her own privileged world, where she can email her doctor with immediate responses. She feels "handled" by so many people and perhaps...not self-reliant and almost helpless combined with entitled? I don't think I would enjoy being around her.