A review by sincerelykai
The Final Gambit by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Did not finish book. Stopped at 29%.
Okay I might finish this at a later point because I'm kind of intrigued by the new Hawthorne Brothers book (I would hope it dives into their individual characters a bit more than we have in these books). I was really enjoying the series - especially since I finished the first two in record time. This one just… fell so flat for me. I think it lost most of it's intrigue: I don't care about any of the plot lines it's following right now, none of the main '"mysteries" spark my curiosity. I thought the second book tied everything together in an a semi-satisfying way. The way the first two books were I think this story would have benefitted from only being a duology. I don't see the need for this third book, but I can see how some people would want it to continue. I just feel like I'm not getting anything new from it, and its backtracking for a lot of things and SO much repetition. I just feel like I'm forcing myself to continue reading this book so I have come to the conclusion to just DNF it. I can't let this book be the reason I get into another reading slump.