A review by wyrmbergmalcolm
Star Wars Tales Volume 2 by Dave Land


Yaddle's Tale:
What?: A bit of back story for the non-Yoda Yoda-like Jedi.
When?: Before The Phantom Menace
Could be Canon?: Yes
Thoughts: A nice fleshing out of a non-speaking character who just sat there in the Jedi Council.
What They Called Me:
What?: A rich fool goes camping on Endor.
When?: Anytime
Could be Canon?: No
Thoughts: Silly and pointless.
A Summer's Dream:
What?: A young lad falls for Padme Amidala before she becomes Queen.
When?: Before The Phantom Menace
Could be Canon?: Yes
Thoughts: A tale of duty before love with an ending that doesn't go anywhere.
What?: A Wampa on the hunt bags an unexpected prize.
When?: During the Empire Strikes Back
Could be Canon?: Yes
Thoughts: Very short, visually pleasing.
Lando's Commandos: On Eagles' Wings:
What?: Lando Calrissian is given a task force and goes on a mission.
When?: After Return of the Jedi
Could be Canon?: Yes
Thoughts: This was a standard tale of intrigue and betrayal. Hit all the right notes, though.
The Hovel On Terk Street:
What?: Greedo is given a bounty.
When?: Before A New Hope
Could be Canon?: Yes
Thoughts: A nice bit of back story for a minor character.
A Hot Time In The Cold Town Tonite:
What?: Max Reebo and band go to perform for a rival Hutt.
When?: Before Return of the Jedi
Could be Canon?: No
Thoughts: Another pointless but mildly entertaining tale featuring the band.
Fortune, Fate, And The Natural History of The Sarlacc:
What?: A victim of the salacc pledges revenge upon Boba Fett who put him there.
When?: Before Return of the Jedi
Could be Canon?: Yes
Thoughts: This is beautifully illustrated and is more of a natural history of the salacc.
Junkheap Hero:
What?: R2-D2 and C-3PO are targeted as a means to get close to the Rebellion
When?: A New Hope
Could be Canon?: No
Thoughts: Nothing special.
The Hidden:
What?: A probe droid on Dagobah finds Yoda
When?: Before the Empire Strikes Back
Could be Canon?: Yes
Thoughts: Interesting art style but a simple story.
Thank The Maker:
What?: Darth Vader is reunited with C-3PO
When?: During The Empire Strikes Back
Could be Canon?: Yes
Thoughts: A wonderfully crafted story tying the little boy on Tatooine with great aspirations to the Dark Lord of the Sith as he contemplates the blasted remains of the droid he built.
Single Cell
What?: An incarcerated prisoner recounts how he came to be there.
When?: The Phantom Menace
Could be Canon?: Yes
Thoughts: Great illustrations with a nice twist to the tale.
Nerf Herder:
What?: Just what is a Nerf Herder?
When?: Anytime
Could be Canon?: No
Thoughts: A fun story that emerged from an insult.
Jedi Chef:
What?: A Jedi master faces off against a droid chef in a Star Wars version of Iron Chef
When?: Before The Phantom Menace
Could be Canon?: No
Thoughts: A humorous cooking competition.
Outbid But Never Outgunned:
What?: Boba Fett is on another job.
When?: After Return of the Jedi
Could be Canon?: Yes
Thoughts: Great illustrations and an exciting story with a heart-warming conclusion.
Force Fiction:
What?: Yoda and Mace Windu discuss Anakin Skywalker
When?: Before Attack of the Clones
Could be Canon?: No
Thoughts: An anachronistic spot-the-cameo take on a discussion that Mace and Yoda may have had. With a bit of Pulp Fiction in there too. Brilliant!
Captain Threepio:
What?: C-3PO has tactical behaviour installed to help pilot a ship out of harm's way.
When?: Before A New Hope
Could be Canon?: No
Thoughts: An interesting idea that is never seen implemented in the films.
The One That Got Away:
What?: A Twi'lek recounts her experience of being Jabba the Hutt's dancer.
When?: Before Return of the Jedi
Could be Canon?: Yes
Thoughts: Very simplistic artwork telling a not terribly interesting tale.
The Secret Tales Of Luke's Hand:
What?: Han Solo tells a bedtime story to his son about Luke's missing hand.
When?: After Return of the Jedi
Could be Canon?: Yes
Thoughts: A silly story told by Han revisiting the original trilogy but with Luke's hand as the hero. Great stuff.
Death Star Pirates:
What?: Pirates attack the Millennium Falcon
When?: After A New Hope
Could be Canon?: No
Thoughts: Very odd artwork that takes away from a by-the-numbers story.
Bad Business:
What?: Devaronian mercenary Vilmarh Grahrk acquires 3 pit droids and a passenger with an extreme case of duel personalities.
When?: Before A New Hope
Could be Canon?: Yes
Thoughts: Another fun and enjoyable Villie story. Always worth reading his adventures.
Final Thoughts: Although has a few 'duds' in this volume, the good and great stories make this another excellent addition to the series.