A review by heyhaley17
A Rogue to Remember by Emily Sullivan


Considering how much I enjoyed the first half of this novel the second half was disappointingly anticlimactic-- I have nothing against a more tame climax and resolution but the progression of the novel just really seemed to be heading towards something a little more climatic considering the elements of spies and informational leaks. Warranted these bits did not take up much of the book, but at the end it became a much bigger deal, to the point where more really should have happened regarding the information leak.

That being said, the book has two of my favorite tropes, childhood love and travel; with the very entertaining and well developed characters. I am not going to lie, I could've done with more of the book focusing on Lottie and Alec traveling and perhaps some actual flashback scenes of their past (there are moments where they do recall the past, but its certainly not in flashback). They were adorable and the writing was overall good, and I will likely be reading more from Sullivan.