A review by pattyfgd
Catalyst by Nicole Fanning


Heart of the Inferno, Book 1
By: Nicole Fanning
Narrated by: Maxine Mitchell, Grayson Owens

WOW! I love a good mafia romance, but this is so much more! Nicole Fanning starts her Hearts of Inferno series with a bang! This is action packed, alpha male, strong willed female, a cast of incredible secondary characters and an adorable little girl! I don't even know where to start! Natalie finds herself in the right place at the right time to foil a kidnapping. Putting herself in danger to save the child seemed like a no brainer, but it has catapulted her into a world she didn't expect. Jaxon, the head of the mafia takes her in, and is completely enraptured by her. But he doesn't do commitment and this new feeling he is getting finds him at a loss. He just cannot get enough of her. And with his lifestyle, danger is always lurking. Things pick up and the suspense, twists and turns and excitement lead to a cliffhanger that is having me cue up book 2 immediately! I need to know what is going to happen next. It's the best kind of romantic suspense and I can't get enough!

Maxine Mitchell and Grayson Owens start out this storytelling with a phenomenal narration. Mitchell comes in as the slightly hesitant, yet stubborn Natalie. I love her voice, always picking up nuances of the character and creating a personality that fits the bill. Grayson Owens is new to me and a better alpha male voice could not have been picked as Jaxon. He is commanding, demanding and delicious! I love this combination as they create this fabulous world and look forward to the next book!