A review by lucy_qhuay
Born in Sin by Kinley MacGregor


This book sure surprised me.
I think that I have never read a book with a more tortured hero than Sin.
Gosh, poor man! The things he went through. :(
So, Born In Sin is the story of Sin, a seemingly English warrior, advisor to the king of England, Henry, who is "ordered" to marry Caledonia/Callie MacNeely, a fierce Scottish lass so that the Scottish people won't attack the English anymore.
At first, neither one desires this forced marriage but as they can't refuse the king, they end up marrying indeed.
Sin is the most tortured hero I have ever read about. He was rejected by both his parents; treated wrongly by his stepmother; taken to a ruthless man who, instead of protecting him, humiliated and beaten him up and ended up sold to even more ruthless men who tortured him and turned him into a slave.
He never knew love or kindness so he learnt to shut himself and to expect the worse from everybody, including his own family.
My heart broke every time I read things about Sin, what he suffered and his anguishing tortured thoughts. :'(
If I was in his place, I think I would act just like him. I would be terribly suspicious of everyone and afraid that they would hurt me once more. *sigh*
Luckily, he found Callie! :)
Callie is the stunning, fierce, sweet woman who has the difficult task to show the man that he is not worthless as he thinks and that he can be loved for who he is.
It is terribly difficult. Sin fights her with all he has because he doesn't believe that she can love him or that he can deserve her love.
But, in the end, fortunately, love is stronger than all the pain and war.
I totally recommend this book.