A review by bantambookworm
Ash Mountain by Helen Fitzgerald


Having read Worst Case Scenario last year, I am familiar with Fitzgerald's writing style, which blends humour and poignancy to create a story which really stands out and makes you think. Ash Mountain is exactly the same and I enjoyed it even more.

Fitzgerald's sense of place is wonderful. I've never been to Australia before but I could picture the setting in my mind as if I was reading the book there myself. Having grown up in a small town myself, I can relate to Fran and her desire to get away and her trepidation in coming back. These emotions were conveyed really well.

The small town setting gives Fitzgerald the opportunity to introduce us to a number of interesting characters. Although the novel is relatively short, I felt that each character had great depth and their motivations and emotions were explored in a lot of detail.

Fitzgerald explores some really important issues in Ash Mountain which will give the novel relevance many years to come. Themes such as sexuality, sexual abuse and death make this novel really poignant.