A review by caitlinxx05
We Can't Keep Meeting Like This by Rachel Lynn Solomon


I’ll start short; I had high hopes for this book after absolutely loving another book by this author and sadly, I got disappointed.
I doubted between a 2 and 3 ⭐️ but let the 3 win due to the book still being a cute read, I suppose.

The thing with this book is, that most if not basically all of the summary already happens in the first 100 pages and it feels unclear on what else will happen in the book.
Not to mention that their friendship pre feelings confessing-email is also confusing, because on the one side it feels like they’re made out to be best friends who did sooo much together and knew a lot about the other, but apparently they’re not and they only really saw each other at weddings with barely any conversations? Maybe if I’d read the book in one day these things wouldn’t have been as unclear, but I don’t know
Oh and that “rambling email”, in which she confesses her feelings? Spoiler: there is no rambling??
If I’d write a rambling email it would be at LEAST a whole page, not this meager thing..

I’ve been struggling since page 80 or so and it wasn’t getting any better. The last something pages picked up a bit I suppose, but if I hadn’t been as stubborn in finishing books I start, I would’ve quit there.
It’s a cute read, don’t get me wrong, but there’s so much that’s also just.. not it.

I did like the way there’s some of inclusivity through depression, OCD, anxiety, that did save the book for me I think. But there’s also stuff that feels off and overall, not the book I thought it would be.

“I guess I can’t argue with that,
About wanting something to make the world feel less heavy.”