A review by doomfiction
Gutmouth by Gabino Iglesias


It’s Sunday night and I just cracked open my first beer of the evening. I need it – not because of the two baskets of dirty laundry staring at me from across the room, and no, not because I just finished a massive assignment for one of the four classes I am taking this semester (although both of those things are true and very real) – but because I feel I have just trudged through the soupiest swamp of a fleshy, living land I’ve ever experienced and somehow lived to tell the world about it. This land I speak of is the remarkable creation of an author named Gabino Iglesias and can be found in his first novel, GUTMOUTH.

GUTMOUTH is the tale of a man who, yeah you guessed it, has a mouth smack dab in the center of his gut. This sounds amusing, and is at first, but the character (yes, it is a totally separate character, regardless of the fact that the two share the same body) is revealed to be a pretty terrifying individual. Without giving away too much, the basic plot has the protagonist seeking revenge on his gutmouth after the wretch does something completely unforgiveable.

What I love most about this story is the clever way the author weaves the classic (unrefined) elements of a bizarre tale (strange setting, odd characters, twisted plot, body horrors, etc) with intelligence (the author is clearly a man who is well read in psychology, philosophy, and literature).

GUTMOUTH is more than just an entertaining bizarro novel; it’s an adventure that lasts long after it’s 100 pages. Highly recommended for those who like a little brains with their bizarro.