A review by alisonalisonalison
The Other Side of Winter by G.B. Gordon


4.5 stars. This is intense, raw, and emotional, and I loved it. It's beautifully written and very moving. I loved the first book, [b:Santuario|15849760|Santuario (Santuario, #1)|G.B. Gordon|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1345988753s/15849760.jpg|21596010], and Alex is such a wonderfully compelling character, so I was definitely keen to read more. This book is mostly the story of Alex rebuilding his life and it's heart-breaking at times, and it's so good. While the first book is very much an exciting, complex mystery with a building romance in the background, this is somewhat the opposite. There's a creepy mystery, but it's very secondary to the story of Alex and Bengt's relationship. It completely enveloped me in the best way. Do read the first book, as this is definitely not a stand-alone. I gather the story will be continued and I'm so excited for more.