A review by krispyxx
The Queen B* and the Homecoming King by Crista McHugh


YES! Oh Alexis has broken through me, i just loved these series. this book just screams highschool and all its goodness and badness, times have changed since i was in highschool. i mean it was the year flip phones came a thing. anywho. Alexis finally learned to break through her onion shell one layer at a time but not giving in too fast. and truthfully she was smart to take everything in small amounts and not trust easily. its highschool people are cruel. personally i would love to see where her and Bretts relationship ended up. did he get into football? are they still together, clearly i ship them and they have alot to learn since they are still young. but i truly think they make a great couple as the work with eachother well and kick eachothers butts where they need to. <3