A review by eb00kie
Electre by Sophocles


Way more straightforward than [b:Euripides'|5280532|Elektra|Euripides|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1225144863s/5280532.jpg|6278827] and [b:Aeschylus'|11380405|Coephori. Greek and English. 1893 Aischylou Choephoroi. the Choephori. with an Introd., Commentary and Translation by A.W. Verrall|Aeschylus|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1347559019s/11380405.jpg|44467549], Sophocles' treatment of the story improves on the latter's pacing and does away with the underlying amusement of the former. It's probably my second favourite retelling, though the one I like best among Sophocles' work.