A review by earlronove
The Fall of the House of Cabal by Jonathan L. Howard


I'm sad the series is over (for now)!

When I first put it on my to be read list, I wasn't really SUPER interested from the description and figured I'd simply enjoy it but not care too much. I was wrong. I cared the entire way through. If you're like me and just have a passing interest in the series (and somehow found this review on the last book instead of just looking at the first book), you should definitely give it a try.

Howard's writing was such a delight to read and I can easily say this is perhaps one of the very few books that actually had me laughing out loud. All the characters were amazing and he certainly did a very good job bringing all the important ones back in the final book to have a nice resolution by the end. I love so much how Johannes Cabal of all people has grown through the entire novels (and that he actually has friends now! Johannes is all grown up--it brings a tear to my eye).

If there is ever another Johannes Cabal book I would definitely be just too eager to read it.