A review by yetanothersusan
The Case of Lisandra P. by Hélène Grémillon


Vittorio, a psychoanalyst, marries a beautiful dancer, Lisandra. Lisandra is found dead from a fall out of their 6th story window. Vittorio is arrested for her murder. So far so good. But then one of Vittorio's patients decides to help him and begins investigating. From here, you journey through Eva Marie's life along with Lisandra and Vittorio's. Honestly, I forgot it was a suspenseful mystery. Instead it was an interesting read about the people in Buenos Aries Argentina after the junta. There are several references to the political upheaval and horrible tortures and killings. Luckily for those who are not versed in South American history, there were several footnotes to illuminate the reader. I was startled when the killer reveals themself and even more startled by what followed. Once again, I would not compare this book to The Girl on the Train or The Silent Wife. This book is much smoother in its progression. You are comfortable right until the ending is revealed. As an aside, this book was translated to English. The author uses language that might be considered crude to the normal American reader.

This book was provided by Penguin in exchange for an objective review.