A review by alecitlikethat
The White Tiger, by Aravind Adiga


While initially confusing, I soon found the writing style of this book made it easy to read and prevented the story from ever reaching a standstill. I liked how the plot was built up, as well as the author's frankness of everybody's questionable moralities, especially the main character. Mixed in among the plot and dark humour were some good select comments which I found to be interesting to reflect on. Not a book that will stick with me though, nor that I felt any strong emotion on finishing.
Spoiler Also, I will now (sadly) never be able to engage in any discussions about birds' beaks.
3.5 stars.

Edit: I went for a run the day after finishing this book and a lil mouse darted across the road in front of me (never happened before) - on seeing it, my inner voice immediately shouted "Country-Mouse!"

Another unexpected edit: The day after I went for a run, I found a 100 rupee note hidden in my wallet...they say things come in threes? so I will now be keeping an eye out lol
Spoilerbut let me say that I will not be pulling over at a roadside to change a tyre any time soon