A review by pirate_jesus
Great Tales of Horror by H.P. Lovecraft


I rate it trash. This tome compiles 21 stories, each accompanied by a brief history of its publication, and upon completion I stand firm that none of you who claim to be Lovecraft fans have actually read a damn word. It’s just something cool or goth to portray. Anything resembling a decent story is buried under terrible conventions, laziness, and blatant racism. Most companies outright refused to publish him for lack of quality, many of these stories going to tabloids or being dug-up posthumously. His constant use of the “dear reader” type of first-person narrative gets old, quick, as does the extreme stretch by which he links even the most foreign of tales to his universe by mention of Arkham and/or Miskatonic University... and let me guess, the architecture of this new place will be labeled “cyclopean...” yep, there it is! But the latter are mostly sufferable complaints. I respect the 1920’s attempt at a horror universe, pre Wu-Tang or MCU. What I can’t suffer is the writer’s version of an artist’s mental block for drawing hands. His descriptions are either hidden (indescribably alien; too horrible to recount in detail; your mind couldn’t possibly comprehend the terror; the sight of which has been blacked from memory) or disgustingly overboard (3 large pages of small font used to provide precise three measurement volume dimensions of a tentacle on a tentacle on a tentacle on a tentacle on a star shaped head, plus the appendages on each and where exactly they fall on the color wheel. No eyes though). #readingrainbow #bigdumb #toomanyknuckles #yourewrong #okiknowtwopeoplewhoactuallyenjoylovecraft