A review by mpedone
William Shakespeare's Star Wars: Verily, A New Hope by Ian Doescher


An impressive undertaking, to take a classic sci-fi film and rewrite the entire movie as a Shakespearean play (almost all action becomes dialog), in true iambic pentameter. What could be a silly experiment is actually an earnest effort, as Doescher notes the similarities between the Star Wars narrative and the structure of Shakespeare's plays. The chorus feels a bit overused. It begins to feel a little like a crutch, or an easy way out to describe a chunk of action, but I can understand why he used it this way. Aside from that, the only thing that stopped me from devouring the book in one sitting was the sing-song nature of the iambic pentameter, though I found this could be combatted by reading aloud. I am extremely far from an expert on IP, but I don't feel as though the bard's works come off this way, but again, this could just be me.