A review by circleofreadersdruid
Lift by Dan Santat, Minh Lê


Wow. Just… completely amazing. I kept this way longer than I should I have, read it at least five times, and shared it with multiple people at work (who also adored it). This is my favorite Dan Santat/Minh Lê collaboration. It has a graphic novel feel, both in the way the pages are mapped out, but also because it’s longer than your regular picture book, (Many of the pages are just illustrations.)

I LOVE the page where Iris pushes all the buttons. Her rage is palpable and you can  feel the release she gets from acting out a little bit in frustration. I also love how the parents react: obviously irked, but nothing overboard., which, to me sends the message that hey, sometimes you act up or do something bad, but you are still loved. The pages where Iris, and then Iris and her brother, go on an adventure are incredible; another great montage is when she discovers her imaginary portal to other worlds in the first place.

So anyway, yeah. I love this book. I checked it out from the Mid-Mississippi Regional Library System through interlibrary loan from the Mississippi Library Commission.