A review by gianouts
Building a Second Brain: A Proven Method to Organize Your Digital Life and Unlock Your Creative Potential by Tiago Forte


I found the book to be overly verbose but contain some interesting concepts to consider for arranging the huge amount of information I capture on a regular basis.

My key takeaways:
- CODE (Capture, Organise, Distill, Express).
- In terms of what to capture think like a curator. Capture what resonates as something that might be useful.
- Instead of organising ideas according to where they came from, organise them according to where they are going. i.e. organise for actionability.
- PARA (Projects, Areas, Resources, Archives) is recommended as a way to organise content so that related content is together and more likely to be useful, and then having a shallow hierarchy under this. Use this same approach across different systems, such as a Digital Notebook (which is heavily recommended), the file system or wherever you store your info.