A review by anionce
Home Field by Hannah Gersen


Read the review here >> Do you love the 90s and small-town stories? If so, you should get your hands on this book. It’s a bit long and not a lot happens, but I felt like I was watching a beautiful film, one of those movies I used to love when I was kid. I really believe this could become a great film.

This is not one of those plot-driven novels I usually read, it’s actually more character-driven: everything revolves about Dean, the high-school football coach, her teenage “daughter” Stephanie and her brothers Robbie and Bry. The story takes place in 1996, about two months after their wife and mother’s unexpected suicide.

Mainly, this book is told by Dean and Steffy’s points of view. Both storylines:Dean dealing with the children and his feelings for other women and Steffy at college, trying to figure out who she is, were equally appealing. I didn’t lose interest at any point and both characters were interesting (although Dean was harder to like, especially when he seemed to care more about football than his children). However, the character I loved the most was Bry: he was so sweet and innocent that you couldn’t help but adore him.