A review by afhill
Good Services: Decoding the Mystery of What Makes a Good Service by Lou Downe


In the past year, I've been introduced to Service Design as I worked within the Canadian federal government. Sure, I'd previously read Lance Bettencourt's book on Service Innovation, but I recognized that public services are .. slightly different. I eagerly ordered this book (paying far too much for shipping from the Netherlands!) in late 2019.

I hate to admit it, but the tight kerning and bright font in the book was a distraction. I found it hard to sit down and read - but at the same time, I couldn't quite approach this book as something intellectual, to study/take notes on. I did attend a Quarantine Book Club online event with the author in late March, which helped get me motivated again. I really liked the anecdotes in the book, but really found the format tough to really get into.

I hate to complain about that, but it really did hamper my ability to enjoy this book. I did appreciate some of the tidbits and principles themselves, but the sheer fact it took me three months to read a book of this size says something.. :-/