A review by lilyn_g
Zero Hour by Eamon Ambrose


I think its always a challenge for an author to pull off the 2nd person POV. Perhaps in a short story its even harder because you have to make so much happen so quickly and yet still enable a person to sink into the “you” and become part of the story.

Ambrose doesn’t quickly accomplish the goal of letting the reader sink into the story. It was about halfway through the 22 pages before I was able to abandon the sense of disconnect that was hindering me. However, once that disconnect was abolished, I enjoyed what I read, and the twist at the end was, of course, a welcome one.

All in all, for .99 (or as part of your Kindle Unlimited access), Zero Hour is a decent enough way to pass 15 minutes. I’d say give it a go if you like science fiction.

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