A review by lavendermarch
One Salt Sea by Seanan McGuire


4.5 stars. This one is a heart-wrencher on many counts. Poor Toby.

Reread 11/3/2018 to 11/4/2018
Still a heart-wrencher.
SpoilerSo sad Connor died. I love Tybalt, but Connor was a solid kind of guy.
Very good though. I like the Undersea nobles a lot (Patrick, Dianda, and their sons, Dean and Peter). They seem very cool and interesting.

Reread May 25th, 2021
This is a great book. I really appreciated that McGuire used pacing to the fullest here, waiting until the last quarter of the book to give us non-stop action, unlike in some previous ones. Additionally, while there were two very heart-wrenching events, Toby suffered no serious (physical) injuries. Just emotional ones. I cried when
Spoilershe turned Gillian human and I was sad when Connor died. Also, the revelation about the Luideag and the Roane and the Selkies was so interesting!
At the beginning of this book, Tybalt was so cute! I appreciated how he acted throughout - protective, considerate, respectful - because it made me love him even more. Connor's
Spoilersacrifice broke my heart, and I love him for it. He's not Tybalt, but he was a sweetheart, ineffective as he often was, except at the end.

As I said during my first reread, I love the Undersea nobles. The Undersea in general was a joy to visit, and I want to go back! I fully support Toby's decision at the end in regards to
Spoilergiving Goldengreen to Dean

Also, Toby's had an insane amount of character development since book 1. She's no longer impulsive and scatterbrained, but instead thinks before she acts, eats properly, has sound allies, and actually trains to improve her skills. She's come a long way.

On the allies front, I love how Quentin is now her official squire, and Raj is her unofficial second one. It's really sweet and cute. I love May. She's hilarious and caring. Marcia is a sweetheart, and I like how she's developed throughout the series. She provided some interesting insight in this book. The Luideag and Quentin had an adorable moment at one point. I saw two counts of foreshadowing for later books, maybe four
SpoilerJudas fruit = goblin fruit?, idk on stealing, but I know who Arden is, and who Quentin's parents are.

Overall, this was a fantastic book, even if it broke my heart at the end. It showcases strong writing, character development, expanded world building, and a sound plot. 4.5 stars.