A review by nerfherder86
Last Night, a Superhero Saved My Life by Liesa Mignogna


Gosh! I read a book for grownups! And I really liked it! I bought this as I was preparing to run our library's recent comic con event, because I was in a superhero mood, and I liked it a lot. Each author writes an essay about how a particular superhero character, or a relationship in comics, really affected them. Some of the writers were able to get through a horrible childhood or adult trauma with the help of an escape into the comics; some just really admired the morals and ethics of their favorite characters and used them as role models in their lives; some got dating advice or how-not-to from the comics! Some of the essays are funny, some are very literary, while others are downright sad. But they all have a common thread of admiration for superheroes, even when they grow up to no longer believe in them, and I enjoyed getting their perspectives on the characters I was familiar with--Batman, Superman, Nightcrawler, Wonder Woman--but also others I had to look up (including a funny one called Fin Fan Foom, the "dragon who wears pants"!! Ha!!). Great read.