A review by nujibuji
XOXO by Axie Oh


I love the choice of title which gives a nice ring to “xoxo by axie oh”! Overall it was a cute lighthearted story that read like a fluffy kdrama. I loved all the cultural elements, including food, music, and idol trainee life. But it wasn’t a very unique story, and everything came so easily to Jenny. It was hard to see why everyone wanted to be her friend and why all the cute boys liked her. It was hard to understand how she excels in her music without ever practicing. And it was hard to understand why she went to Korea if it wasn’t to spend more time with her mom (who she barely sees in the whole book). I set aside a lot of that just to enjoy the moment, but there also weren’t enough cute moments between the main love interests for this to be an excellent romcom type read.