A review by ashjuillet
Fae's Wolf by Helen Walton


I recently finished Helen Walton's How the Grinch Lusted After Santa and was offered this book for review, so I thought, 'Although I'm not in the mood for fantasy, I am in the mood for a good shifter romance,' so I decided to read this. And just like I had expected, this romance did not disappoint.

Although Arrow and Saoirse were complete opposites, they were brilliantly written as meant to be together. Where Arrow was sure about his instincts of mating with her, Saoirse wasn't as in tune with her own emotions until she returned to her realm. Where Saoirse was determined to return to Arrow, he thought she didn't want him. It was utter chaos (an entertaining one) with one character going after the other and vice versa, misunderstandings galore, dramatic scenarios, a ton of sex, and Sledge. Sledge is the epitome of chaos and was my favourite character. He gave off a lot of 'no fucks given' vibe, which I adore, so I'm really looking forward to reading his book when it's published.

The supernatural/fantasy elements in this book were good, but the background plot of the Fae realm suffering was mostly glossed over for the romance between Arrow and Saoirse. I understand that this book is part of a series, but I would have preferred to see the realm's suffering at least halted with magic or something else to give the reader a sense of completion for the time being. Still, I wasn't too worried about the background problem (even though it was originally the reason for Saoirse's arrival in town).

The book had a lot of block paragraphs, which are distracting for readers with attention problems, so it was a bit difficult for me to read it without my eyes scanning the lines for important information. There were flowery descriptions and exposition in the paragraphs; I wasn't as interested in reading that, but it worked well for the smut scenes.

Thanks to Booksprout and the author for a copy of this book.