A review by jenstory
The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton


Despite the many positive comments from friends, I did not think that I would enjoy this book as much as I truly did.

But it sure proved me wrong...

Although it is set in a sinister environment, The Outsiders is hardly about gruesome fighting and bloody deaths.
It is about heroism, hope, understanding and seeing people in another perspective.

I was surprised. I really was.

How a 17 year old's story captured my heart so much that its theme didn't bother me a single bit. I felt like I was beginning to enjoy another genre, and I was. Reason: Hinton's enchanting story-telling.
It is without doubt that, whether readers were a fan of action or whatever, Hinton had wanted to teach important meanings that she learned just by being honest and expressing each event exactly as it happened.

I have to agree with Sam - I feel like I have more knowledge, and maybe I do. Because I've learned more from this book than just how to make people cry!

I don't want to write a never-ending review, but there is one thing for sure.
Hinton didn't write just for an action-packed, touching story... but to change people's way of understanding. And that means seeing things in a new dimension...

...maybe including books *wink* ;).

And another thing.

Just to sum up this whole review - I can't find the right words so the only way to discover the fantastic show of this story is to just READ IT.

And now I see why my school chose this book!!