A review by llynn66
Confessions Of A Dangerous Mind by Chuck Barris


Could the zany doofus who cavorted with the Unknown Comic, Gene-Gene the Dancing Machine and the parade of mid-70s "personalities" on the panel merely be an alter-ego for a trained CIA killer? Chuckie Baby says yes!

I have actually never seen the movie, although it has been on my list for years. Many people here comment that the movie is better than the book. (And we all know how bibliophiles hate to cop to that.) I'll have to bump the movie up a few notches on my list of things to do.

I have no complaints with the book, not having seen the film. Although the premise stretches credibility to the breaking point, I'm the sort of reader who will suspend my disbelief and say stranger things have happened.

Hilarious or creepy, depending on how you want to look at it.