A review by jenreadsromance
Dragon Lord by Dana Marton


Draknart is a dragon who has been cursed to spend from midnight to dawn every day as a man. So despite the "dragon shifter" subtitle, that's not strictly true. He wants nothing more than to return to 100% dragon. One day, a virgin from the village, Einin, is tossed into his cave. Draknart is basically full of malaise. He gets bored, sleeps for a decade, wakes up and eats, and goes back to sleep. He kills whatever hapless humans the villagers send his way, but Einin is brave, strong, and determined to go down fighting. He's charmed by her.

Pluses: This had a wry tone I personally found charming and fun to read. (However, I don't read all that much fantasy, so maybe this is more common than I think.) Einin is a loner who just wants to be free and in control of her own destiny, and I am all for that. Always.

Minuses: I'd say this reads more like a fairy tale than a fantasy. Just roll with it and don't overthink the world building stuff.

Verdict: Charming, fun to read. Knows what it's trying to do and does it well.

Copied & Pasted from Twitter as part of a project where I'm reviewing the 2019 RITA finalists.