A review by atirandomness
Forever My Girl by Heidi McLaughlin



*eye roll*


To rant or not to rant... That is the question...

Update** Rant incoming in 3..2..
..Honestly (IMO) there are no real spoilers in the whole book because it’s just a bunch of bull$#@! but I tried to avoid anything that could be directly spoiler-y to some. Some “spoilers” can be inferred from my review and although it’s mostly stuff you learn early on I still suggest you read at your own risk.
..Right off the bat I wasn’t a fan of the writing. It’s disjointed like a high school book report and the audiobook narrators didn’t help. Actually, I think they made it worse. But that’s not the reason I gave this book such as low rating. It’s the contrived storyline that got boring and stupid after awhile that did it for me. And of course, the terrible characters. Especially the terrible characters. Let’s discuss..

So the heroine, I forgot her name somewhere between glass 2 and 3 of red wine so bear with me, starts out a likable character. Her high school sweetheart (the H) left her without explanation 10 years ago. Like, he just dipped, changed his number and never spoke to her or any of their friends. Eff’d up, right? What originally drew me to our h is the fact that she moved on. She has a serious relationship with someone she loves and plans to marry. A dramatic contrast from some of my other book review rants. (I’m looking at you [b:Lake + Manning|36974768|Lake + Manning (Something in the Way, #4)|Jessica Hawkins|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1512578843s/36974768.jpg|58365429]... my review). Unfortunately, my affection towards her only lasted a few chapters and then I started to hate her. A lot. She’s selfish, immature, annoying, immature, moody, imm… Oh and a coward. Enough about her

Then there’s our melodramatic hero, Liam. Seriously, I know 12 year olds who are less theatrical than Liam.. and 12 is the peak age for human melodrama!!! Literally everything is a thing no THE THING when you’re 12! Anyway, this immature clown is the definition of a selfish coward. He. Dropped. Everything. And shattered what’s-her-name's heart because of a whim. A bloody damn whim, y’all! And he slick blamed her for it. If you’re going into this book expecting to get a big explanation for why he did what he did, you might as well close the book now and save yourself the disappointment. He only gave a crap about himself and nothing changed in the 10 years he was gone. This is a direct quote from his POV
"I need the vision of her to drive the point home that I made the right decision for me, regardless of how much I hurt her.” description
And when he came back to town you know what pissed me off the most.??. He kept calling her “his girl”. BITCH, your girl?? 10 years..with no word? but this punk has the GALL to.. *sigh* It doesn’t even matter. I hate him yet he’s not my real enemy here. My real enemy is Step daddy dearest…

Nick. Who is also immature (everyone in this book is extremely immature. It’s worse than YA). He is the new fiancé and stand in father to what’s-her-name’s kid, Noah. His behavior throughout the story is deplorable. Seriously, what kind of sadistic prick gets jealous and starts an argument at a funeral??? An argument that has absolutely nothing to do with the so-called friend who's dead..btw.
Absolutely disgusting. It seemed what’s-her-name and Noah were just trophies to rub in the face of the boy he could never compete with in high school. And after Liam returned, the novelty wore off but that’s not the biggest reason I hate him. I hate him the most because he overstepped. I’m not a parent (that means it’s my right to say my opinions that will possibly piss real parents off).. so here goes… In my opinion, there’s a line that a step parent shouldn’t cross. That line involves the relationship between the other biological parent and their kid. Raising a kid doesn’t give a de facto step parent the right to separate a parent and their child simply because it makes them uncomfortable. SUCK IT UP, BUTTERCUP!! If the kid is in danger or could be hurt, it’s understandable. But simply because you’re jealous of the biological father?
Nope.. Especially when said father is doing everything to be there and include you. My stepdad did more for us than my bio dad ever cared to do but he not once tried to force him out of our lives or turn me & my sister against him or make us feel guilty for still loving him despite all his wrong doing. Never. We always come first, even now. He stepped up because he loves us and my mom. Not because he wanted to plant his flag like we're motherf#@king Plymouth Rock!!!
Nope.. Seriously, Nicks’s behavior is unacceptable. It’s even more unacceptable than what Liam did. And I’m pretty sure the author used Nick as a cheap escape to get Liam out of the grave she dug for him. Which makes me hate this story even more. If you want me to love your shitty book people you need to take the time to earn it. Don't bite off more than you can chew because I will see through that mess. Every. Time.

In summary, If you want a good story this isn’t it. If you want a quick story that might piss you off and/or bore you to sleep. This is the book for you!! 1.5 Stars