A review by rymrgard
Sakrileg by Dan Brown


Back when I first read Illuminati (= Angels and Demons) — being a young teenager, impressionable and very new in the field of what I considered to be „adult books“ — I thought of myself as a Dan Brown fan. A feeling very short lived, however, lasting for only two of his books (the aforementioned Illuminati and Meteor (Deception Point)), before I discovered that they are… well… not very good.
Still, disbelieving, I continued on. Read two more (Digital Fortress and Da Vinci Code) before I was forced to accept the facts. I never read more of him and never will.

Back then I had just heard of the famous CERN for the first time and desperately wanted to go there. I had a fable for renaissance art and everything concerning Da Vinci and Michelangelo I was bound to pick up and devour. Both Illuminati and Meteor hit the spot for me back then. I remember them more fondly than I‘m now convinced they deserve — hence the 3 star rating.
I have never reread them and never will. But I will also not lower my rating to what I would surely think of them now, maybe as a sign to myself that I take the judgements of my past self seriously, even if they were misguided.

If you find yourself enjoying these novels: That is absolutely fine. Different tastes for different people. I‘m sure there are books I love that you would never read voluntarily.

If you find yourself having liked them in the past, looking back now, questioning the sanity of your past self: That‘s absolutely fine too and nothing to be ashamed of. I also really liked Twilight once.