A review by zainabsheikh
You Before Anyone Else, by Julie Cross, Mark Perini


**I was provided with an eArc via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**

The book started off really good but then it became a torture and I was really close to dnf-ing it.

No, I don't hate this book but this book is dragged.. a lot. It's 400 pages long and I think that the authors (It's written by two authors) could wind up the story in 200 or maximum 300 pages. I got bored of reading this book and that's one of the reasons why it took me 3-4 days to finish it.


I don't like Finley's character. She's too perfect and flawless for me to like her. Quoting the NetGalley synopsis She's "The supportive friend, the reliable daughter, the doting big-sister" I know the reasons but it's way too much. I mean, she's a too-sweet and too-kind friend who never gets angry or mad and it's way too unrealistic. I have been reading books for a long time and I like reading about characters that have flaws and are fighting their inner demons and I know she wants to open her mother's studio (no, it's not a spoiler) but other than that, there's nothing. She feels like a blank character and I couldn't connect with her.

The good thing about this book is the character development. This book has a really good character development. I'm not lying when I say that I started to like Finley at the end of the book. Her character developed a lot and I'm really glad that it did! And Eddie's character felt real. He kept struggling with himself and he kept fighting his family for what he felt was right for him.

The writing was okay. I have already said that the authors could wind up the book in 200 pages and it kinda felt like the book was dragged. I took a lot of break from this book and thankfully when I went back to it, it didn't feel that bad. I'm satisfied with how the book ended.

I would also like to mention that this book is neither a YA or NA but it's somewhere in between.

I would only recommend you this book if you're really into romantic novels. I'm not into romance books much and that's why I didn't like/enjoy this book a lot.