A review by faileskye
The Heart of Matter by Evan Currie


This book was better than the first one, and honestly, the first one was surprisingly enjoyable.

A large reason for the increase in quality is the fact that all the pesky introduction stuff is out of the way. So after an initial reintroduction and necessary "back on Earth" jibberjabber, we are thrown back 'into the black' of space. Pretty quickly the action starts in this book, and it doesn't let off until probably ten minutes from the end, maybe only five.

Not joking about that pacing either, after about 10% in, it just becomes military action with some sci fi curveballs that I don't usually see thrown in. As such, this book is a prime example of what I call a road trip novel. You can just turn it on and listen or read on and on without getting tired of it, but also not have to pay too close attention to it.

More story-wise, most of our favorites from the previous book are back, but they take more of a backseat this time around. Instead we get some new characters with character. I don't know how Currie does it, but he transitions between multiple perspectives and from old to new characters with out it being even a little deal, let alone a big deal.

I still can't believe how much I enjoyed this book and the first one, but I do recommend it to anyone wanting science fiction military action with some unique twists.