A review by rellimreads
Dirty English by Ilsa Madden-Mills


4 stars. Borrowed via KU.

This was my second IMM book and like Boyfriend Bargain, it started a little slowly but picked up. Elizabeth & Declan are both college students. Elizabeth was raped in high school (for those who might be triggered by this, it was a roofie situation and while the act itself isn’t detailed the immediate aftermath was).

Elizabeth has determined she won’t fall in love again, won’t date, and only has one-night stands. Declan, while originally/superficially comes off as a “bad boy”, is intelligent, perceptive, caring, responsible and protective.

Other reviews mentioned it was difficult to “connect” with Elizabeth ~ and maybe it wasn’t the author’s intent, but I sort of felt like it was the point. A realistic one at that. Her reactions & choices in response to being raped were normal. Maybe not healthy, but consistent with many victims.

There’s a lot going on in this story, but I really appreciated that it wasn’t the one-dimensional fluff that some NA books can be.

I’m looking forward to Dax’s book.