A review by evanaik
Playlist for the Dead by Michelle Falkoff


Playlist for the Dead is a story about Sam, who’s best and only friend, Hayden commits suicide. Hayden leaves Sam with a note, a playlist of 27 songs which seem to have a hidden meaning to them. As Sam begins to decipher the songs, he learns more and more about Hayden’s life that was not ever shared with him. As he discovers the reasons to why Hayden killed himself, he meets Astrid. Through out his journey, he figures out more about Hayden, and realizes that Astrid is more than what she seems.
I found this book very well written and enjoyable. Falkoff is able to convey Sam’s growth as a person and how he overcomes Hayden’s death with the pressures being put on him. One part which I didn’t really like is how Sam’s grief is not really portrayed in the duration of the book. Overall, I enjoyed this book a lot and would recommend it.