A review by elvang
Order Up: A Menu of Lesbian Romance and Erotica by R.G. Emanuelle, Andi Marquette


R.G. Emmanuelle and Andi Marquette serve up another feast for the soul and the heart in their latest anthology, Order Up. Last year's All You Can Eat was a Lambda Literary finalist so the pressure (cooker) was on to see if our chefs du jour could come up with another menu of sweet, savoury and sexy tales.

I enjoy anthologies as they give the reader a chance to sample the work of new (or new to me) authors and old favourites. I enjoyed the majority of the dishes offered up and have added more names to my must read lists.

Here are a few of my favourites from this collection;

Not Spam Again by Jaye Markham
The setting is WWII London during the blitz. Markham delivers with a sweet story of awakening and desire between two women in the Women's Army Corps. I loved the tentative first steps and the moments shared between Marty and Nan along with their hopes for the future.

Bunya Bunya by Cheyenne Blue
“I'm going back to country,” Tianna says, “Want to come?”
And so begins a truly memorable short story as Tianna introduces her girlfriend Jenn to her Aboriginal origins in southeast Queensland.
Bunya Bunya has a dreamy, ethereal pace that pulls in the reader. Auntie, Tianna and Jenn become one with the land as the Bunya nuts roast in the fire. The parallels of dry lands and rough palms contrast with star-filled skies and natural dangers lurking under every rock. A beautiful read.

A Twist of France by N.R. Dunham
The author serves up a healthy dose of humble pie or whatever it's called en francais.

The Secret's in the Sauce by Andi Marquette
A nerd/fan boi fantasy. Tongue tied Van knows how to make smoking hot chile but struggles to make simple conversation around smoking hot Avery.

God's Tamales by Brey Willows
A lovely act of kindness rewarded.

Sliced and Diced by R.G. Emmanuelle
Once again R.G. serves up the most sensual, sexy and mouth watering contribution to the anthology. Anya serving coconut orgasms and coconut pops to Rhea in the most creative of ways? Outstanding.

The Way to a Woman's Heart by Marie Sterling
The author had me at pengapocalypse!

Pot Luck Club by Rebekah Weatherspoon
Sooo good. The FemmeonFemme club. Entertaining and something different. Like her desserts, Talia is worried she isn't good enough for the beautiful Reece. Hot and adorable.

The Indulgent Chocolatier by Pascall Scott
One word summary? Decadent.

A great collection that will get your juices flowing. Ha!

ARC received with thanks from publisher via NetGalley for review.