A review by eve_boobies
Bound by Blood by Piper Davenport


The book started off perfectly acceptable. It wasn’t anything amazing, but I was liking it well enough. Sadly, thinks went downhill quickly. At around the 45% line, everything just felt like a mess. The main relationship developed far too fast, the whole objective of the book felt like it had been thrown out the window, everyone’s motivations were too confusing to keep track of and overall it just felt like a bit of a shit show. We never got to see Sam actually do anything science-y, the whole reason she was there was to cure Fiona but apparently that wasn’t important enough because Kade always had her skipping work. Not to mention that whole fiasco was just solved after one conversation with their mother. Also Cole just disappeared, what was even the point of his character apart from to cause a little bit of jealousy? His character was also used to expand more of Dalton’s. Honestly, this whole book felt like it was mostly just setting up the others. It gave me lots of unwanted information about characters I don’t, and never will, care about.

Overall, this book was a big miss. It could have easily been decent but the author went and screwed it up. The main relationship was annoying, the side characters and their agendas were annoying, this whole darn thing was annoying!