A review by alexleo13
Change for You by Crystal Lacy


Great second book of the series Oahu Lovers, that may be read as a stand alone because the MCs of the first book appear only in the Epilogue of this one. Max and Stephen may seem an odd couple, with Max's thoughts often slipping out of his mouth without any filter and Stephen being quite a contradictory character as far as his work-life balance is concerned. There is quite an age gap between the two, but Max never actually bothered and Stephen's passion for board games shows that he still is young at heart, though he is the one struggling most with the age difference and his role as boss to Max.

I can't give 5* to this story because there were several time inconsistencies throughout the plot and it took me up to 1/3 of the book to connect with the characters and appreciate their link and growing feelings; most probably due to Stephen's contradictions and Max behaving sometimes all grown-up and other times more like the 21 year old student at his first work experience.