A review by preiman790
The Fifth Ward: First Watch by Dale Lucas


Fantasy buddy cop story, yes please.

Rem is new to the city of Yenara, leaving his old life behind for reasons that frankly don’t matter, because in this city no one cares why you came, so long as you’ve either got money to buy, or something to sell. Unfortunately Rem has neither of these things, what he does have is a sense of honor and the kind of luck that can both get him throne into a dungeon and then get him a job in the watch. Paired with a gruff cynical dwarf named Torval, the two almost immediately get off on the wrong foot, but when Torvel’s old partner turns up dead, the two mismatched watchman must find out what happened to him, and how it is tied into the abductions of young attractive men and women around the city.

The fantasy world of The Fifth Watch is nothing terribly unique, it has its own little quirks, but over all it could be the generic fantasy world of a million paperback novels, video games, and D&D campaigns, but in this case that works to The Fifth Ward’s advantage. Using the traditional fantasy tropes and trappings to tell a familiar story in a setting we’re not used to seeing it in. By mixing together two well warn genres, Dale Lucas has managed to create something that feels new and different, and yet at the same time, familiar and comfortable, and highly enjoyable.