A review by masquerader888
Crystal Gardens by Amanda Quick


When I am looking for a good read, and a story that will delight, entertain and is guaranteed to have a happy ending I know I can never go wrong with Amanda Quick (AKA Jayne Ann Krentz).

Crystal Gardens introduces us to the Ladies of Lantern Street trilogy; expertly blending romance, mystery and the paranormal into a thrilling and heartwarming tale of love, murder and wits against a gothic background. This book was a fun read that introduced strong characters, incorporated an intriguing plot, and set the scene for the next two books with brilliant ease.

I loved getting to know the two main characters in this book. Connected from the first chapter, I enjoyed seeing their relationship grow and bloom throughout their adventure. Lucas, a dark and mysterious character, was a great and stalwart hero and I enjoyed seeing both his intelligence and his honor woven through this work. Evangeline showed both spunk and determination, I found her a fascinating female…blending and balancing her chosen vocation with her gifts, she was fun to watch though out this tale.

The setting on this book, incorporating both botany and the paranormal, imbued it with an ambiance that was truly unique. Adding more dimension to a tried-and-true romance plot, it expanded the scope of the story, taking on a life of its own.

All in all it was another wonderful book by Ms. Quick to which I give a very happy four stars.
