A review by nemerith
Spotted Her First by Emma Dean


Piper, a young librarian is working late one night and about to close the library when 3 men enter, seemingly looking for her. After throwing some books around she runs into the arms of a security guard, who much to everyone's surprise, teleports her out of there. And so begins her story :-)

A demon reluctant to fulfil his contract, 3 hot leopard shifters that want to claim her as their mate and a clan of croc shifters that want her potent blood to curse all leopards. Throw in some witches, demon hunters and a cat named Cat Solo and you're good to go!

My take on the book:

I won this book! I was so exited! :D First time I won a book.
I had this on my TBR pile of course, but I won, yay :D

Ahem... yes, on with the review... well, I really enjoyed the book!

World-building was great, taking place in our day and time the author describes scenes and environments very well which makes for easy and immersive reading.

Character development was great!!! Yes, they are mates and feel the instant attraction and even some feelings, but the men give Piper all the room and time (well.. as much as they can) to deal with it and come to terms what is happening.

We get a lot of information and insight on Caleb, Niko, Xavier and Piper, all of that without it getting boring or seem like someone is just stating facts. We know their history, their reasoning and their connection.
One thing I wish we had gotten was some insight into why Pipers father was on board so fast, as we know he is a cop who has seen his fair share of things, but still, some more info on that would have been nice.

Adding the mysterious Morgan, the badass Jess and even sweet demon Eisheth, brought everything together. Very well done!

Pacing and flow were great, naturally there was a lot of talking between the characters, but it was well spread out. And no, it wasn't only talking, there was fighting, dancing and yes, sex to get our heart rates up again ;-)

The book in itself was well written, I found no (noticeable) errors and while this is indeed a standalone novel, it introduced us to some characters that are sure to return in the next novels.

All in all, a very enjoyable read and not too short either. This was the first book I read by the author but it will surely not be my last. Very much looking forward to For Fox Sake in a few months and while sci-fi isn't really my genre, her other series (The Draga Court series) is now on my TBR pile as well!