A review by armedwithabook
Parasites by Matthew Samuels


For the people on Lyra, the existence of thinnings make it possible to go to other planets without investing in space travel technology in the traditional sense. Taking advantage of these natural phenomenon that bend distances and work as tunnels between places that are not only far away but belong to different universes is a fascinating concept. I had never thought of that until I read Parasites.

Reading Experience:

Kael, Alessia and the rest of their crew are seasoned travelers and experts in what they do. Apart from the places that they traveled to and explored, it was interesting to learn about the kind of infrastructure that would need to be in place for making traveling through thinnings possible and reliable. This is world building at a new level and I felt that Matthew Samuels, the author, did an amazing job at it.

I loved how well thought out most of the stops on this journey were. I assumed that the thinnings would only be to planets but after learning that they can be anywhere – even old decaying space stations and moons – the possibilities are endless and the dangers of their exploration magnified. I loved the one space station that had other living species and their history!

Parasites presents a brilliant concept that I have not read before. Hopping between planets for scientific pursuit and intense problem solving in space - this was so much fun! I don't often say this but I wish it had been longer and allowed me to savour each of the planets on the way more. See full review on Armed with A Book as well as interview with the author.

Many thanks to the author for providing a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.