A review by saluki
Consequences by Aleatha Romig


I'm sort of shell-shocked by that ending. Like car-crash TV, I can't help but continue because I'm curious where these characters will end up.

At first I thought Anthony was a misogynistic evil entity, he's so cold and domineering. For Claire, I felt empathy one moment, yet found I wanted to scream at her the next! Three-quarters through the book I still wasn't sure if Stockholm Syndrome applied.

For Tony, appearance is all, and actions have consequences. Crazy mind games are played out to ensure his total control. There is lots of sex which isn't graphic. There is a lot of emotional manipulation and physical abuse which is both violent and tender. It was difficult for me to guess where the last fifty pages would go.

I can't say whether or not my opinions on Tony or Claire have changed by the conclusion of Consequences without giving spoilers, but one thing is sure... this tale is not for the faint-hearted reader.