A review by bookfairy99
Lord of the Clans by Christie Golden


After being in a reading slump for a couple of months, I really didn’t expect much from a World of Warcraft book. I’d read a few of Christie Golden’s novels in the past and really liked them, so I thought I’d give this one a try. Whoa… I’d forgotten just how GOOD Golden is! I really enjoyed LORD OF THE CLANS. I devoured it in a couple of sittings, pleasantly surprised at the character development, writing style, and overall grittiness of the story.

I’ve been playing WoW for nearly a decade now, on and off, but I didn’t know anything about Thrall’s backstory. I was really taken by him and his plight at the hands of humans. Golden’s handling of racially motivated hatred was so heartbreaking, and so relevant not just in fantasy, but in our day-to-day lives, too. Seeing the way humans treated Thrall just because of the color his skin and the size of his body turned my stomach. Such a great reminder that we can’t judge a book by its cover - in any setting.

Loved this, and can’t wait to read more World of Warcraft books - right after I go renew my WoW account and fire up a new orc character!