A review by bubblewombat
I'm with the Banned by Marlene Perez


I'm with the Banned follows our girl Tansy as she navigates even stranger supernatural waters, and her new responsibilities as the vampire queen of California with the help of some old and new friends.

LISTEN HERE, TANSY DID NOT COME TO PLAY IN THIS ONE. She was awesome before, but now she's taking it to the next level and I'm here for it. She's growing more mature by the minute, my little baby. I love her so much.

Skylar surprised me with her behaviour. In book one the circumstances were different so she's forgiven for acting so odd, but now? YOU HAVE NO EXCUSE SKYLAR, NONE.

I almost started to like Vaughn, but then he would choose his friends over Tansy every time. I get it Vaughn, you have responsibilities and all that, but if you've been in love with her for so long why are you neglecting her now when you have her?

Tansy would go to hell and back for her friends, which she keeps proving time and time again, and yet they can't extend the same courtesy to her. It's infuriating.

Rose and Thorn got bigger roles, it's what they deserve. I hope we get to know them even more in the next book.

Surprisingly, Travis is becoming one of my favourite characters in the world. He's a lot funnier now that he's not kidnapping girls to drain them dry. I'm digging the western vibe, and how he's always at the wrong place at the wrong time.

I don't have much to say about the wolf pack, except if they don't all start liking Tansy ASAP I'm throwing hands. They're cool though (not Connor).

Hecate is one of the new characters too, and I want to hug the hell out of her. See what I did there? Authors don't often use hellcats in books, and Hecate is the prime example of why they should start. You cannot go wrong with a floofy hellcat who likes pies.

There's another character who comes back, but I won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't read it yet. I just want it known that I hate them with the passion of a thousand burning suns.

Now for the other tidbits.

This is one of those books that you can binge in a day if you feel like it. And you should feel like it, because it's super fun. Dare I say, even more entertaining than book one? I do dare.

The writing is better in this one too. In my review of The Afterlife of the Party, I said how it was choppy on occasion. Definitely not the case here, everything flows smoothly.

I can't wait to see what shenanigans these characters will be up to next. Less than a year till that happens, I'm counting down the days.

*Thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for providing me with an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review*