A review by lawbooks600
I Know You Did It by Sue Wallman


Trigger warnings: Death by poisoning, murder, death of a child

6/10, what a snooze-fest of a book and I really wish it was better but alas I did not enjoy this one. The main character Ruby was ok and I think she was one of those characters that people call morally grey since she wasn't the best protagonist ever when she killed a person called Hannah by pushing her off the slide when she was young but that was such a long time ago. The plot all began with a note that said I Know You Did It, the plot was slow at times but it got better towards the end. Towards the second half of the book two students died, Isaac died when the tampered weights crushed his neck and Monique died when she drank from her tampered water bottle which poisoned her.

I knew the killer was Mara because she appears to have nothing to do with the incidents and the school since it's the person who people would least expect but I expected her to be the killer and I was right which made the twist quite predictable. There weren't any red herrings which was a nice touch and usually red herrings frustrate me when reading crime novels like this. In the end the killer was arrested, her accomplice, Georgia, poisoned herself and after that Ruby got over Hannah's death and that's the end of the book. If you like an easy crime/thriller YA novel this is the book for you.