A review by abcdestherh
No Rest for the Dead, by Andrew Gulli


i was intrigued by the idea of each chapter being written by a different author and, wile it is fascinating how they managed to produce a working story when no one knew what the others were writing, the differences were noticeable in a way that it slightly took me out of the story. also, i'm assuming someone went through the written chapters to ensure continuity re appearances etc bc how could it possibly work out otherwise?
the story itself was okay, nothing super amazing - the standout chapter for me was the first one, especially the last few pages are so visceral.
wasn't a fan of the women continuously being put on a fuckability scale basically - incl the
cop guy having a soft spot for the wife bc she has ~beautiful eyes~ fuck that, his entire arch is self pity thinly wrapped in righteousness

yeah so. hm. thoughts.
oh right, the whole "tracking down everyone who was there and finally uncover the truth" that the blurb talks about wasn't mentioned until page 190??