A review by teresajluvs2read
Ruins of Fate by Jamie A. Waters


**I received a copy of Ruins of Fate from Net Galley and Xpresso Book Tours in exchange for a voluntary and honest review. My opinions stated below are mine alone and not solicited in any way**

Ruins of Fate by Jamie A. Waters is a Prequel to her Omni Towers series. Ms. Waters is a new author to me and I have to say that this book really surprised me as I liked it I'll probably get the next book so that I can find out how Kayla and Carl's story plays out.

Skye Levanthe is a ruin rat which means they scavenge old buildings finding items to either trade or sell to the traders who live near the Omni Towers but with a huge rain storm coming they need to move their supplies to higher ground. The leader of the group, Daryl, where she lives asks her to leave when food becomes scarce and Leo her boyfriend (And vice president) balks at the decision to oust Skye and her son Veridian. Which leads to a family camp that's very dangerous but with now two kids in tow she must try to keep them all safe and not become a casualty. There really isn't any explanation of why everyone must wear UV reflecting clothes and scavenge for items to sell for food and medicine so that's my only issue other than that it was a good book.