A review by semvs
The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less by Barry Schwartz


If the author truly believes that less is more, he would have made this book ~50 pages and left his own opinions that governments should decide a majority of our decisions out of it. The book also contains doubtable studies or studies with missing important information, and the authors own little experiments.

The reason why I still enjoyed having read the book is that it distinguished two kinds of decision making:

1 Maximizing
Searching and accepting only the best, spending a lot of time into decision making,
ending up not being satisfied with the choice made.

2 Satisfying
Choosing something good (enough), not looking back and being satisfied with it.

While objectively, maximizers might end up with something that's better than what satisfiers end up with, satisfiers will be happier with the thing they chose.
If you're a maximizer, you should factor in the time it took to research and make the decision into the cost of the item or choice.

The book made me identify areas that I maximise in and to try to satisfy instead.