A review by printedadventures
Vs. Reality by Blake Northcott


2.5 Stars

I had a hard time getting into this book. I really enjoyed Northcott's other book, [b:Arena Mode|19086685|Arena Mode (The Arena Mode Saga, #1)|Blake Northcott|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1385921655s/19086685.jpg|25474846] and thought I would give this one a go. And honestly it took me a while to get through.

The plot was interesting, but I felt it lacked detail and character depth. I wanted to know more about the characters and the powers they had. But you never really get an explanation of what each can do, or even if they know what all they can do, or if they do we get glimpses of what they can do without any explanation. For example, one character
Spoilerone character smashes two helicopters together but doesn't really explain how, so she can control metal or move things with her mind?
I don't know which it is?

We get a little bit of background, a physical description but not much else. As a reader I was excepted to know something about a character or their personality without ever really hearing about it before, it made this read a little jarring. It seemed like this could have been fleshed out just a little bit more. And perhaps the story does get a little more detailed and we get more depth later in the series.

I won't be moving onto the next book though. This was an entertaining read, but need a little more to it.